[꿈꾸는 경기교육] Playground outside the classroom… ‘Sportsmanship’ grows

1999년부터 시작된 ‘학교 스포츠 클럽’
배드민턴·농구 등 다양한 체육 활동 진행
건강뿐 아니라 리더십·희생정신 배워
학업 스트레스 줄여 학교폭력 감소 효과
청소년기 건강한 성장위해 활성화 시급

Kang Min-ju Hanam Gamil Middle School

A school sports club is a club composed of students who have hobbies in various sports activities such as badminton, basketball, and soccer in addition to regular physical education classes in accordance with the School Physical Education Promotion Act of Korea. The school sports club started in 1999 at the Dongbu Office of Education in Daejeon, and expanded to students from 17 cities and provinces nationwide in 2008 hosted by the Ministry of Education.

The purpose of the school sports club is to learn sportsmanship, and outside of physical education class, students can develop a stronger relationship with each other, considerate and empathize with others. But few people know why this sports club was created, why it exists, and its effectiveness and its necessity.

By participating in the school sports club, students can have a healthy body. The school shoves energetic teenage students into the cramped space of the classroom and small desks. Therefore, compared to the vigorous activity of adolescent students, 3 hours of physical education per week is insufficient to solve this problem. In addition, it is difficult to grow up with a healthy body during the growth period because a lot of study time and leisure time are spent playing online games or searching the Internet. Therefore, even for healthy physical activity of students, school sports clubs must be activated.

Through the school sports club, students can develop good character. You can learn many things such as rules, skills and knowledge of sports, but the most important thing is sportsmanship. You can enjoy exercise while being considerate of each other and compete in good faith. In doing so, you can have teamwork that gives you a sense of accomplishment by supporting your friends and guiding each other. You can also develop leadership skills, and you will learn in advance most of the virtues necessary when you become an adult, such as patience, self-sacrifice, and consideration for the weak, through school sports club activities. In addition, school violence can be reduced by creating a strong friendship through this activity, and by recognizing and understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Occasionally, small quarrels may arise from over-immersion in sports during school sports club activities. Also, there are times when I get tired from the rest of class after participating in physical activity. However, there are many more advantages and effects that can be obtained through these activities, such as growing physically healthy during adolescence, and discharging study and stress through exercise rather than online games, such as consideration and goodwill competition, patience, and spirit of sacrifice. Sports club activities should be more active than now.

Kang Min-ju Hanam Gamil Middle School

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