Padua, robbery with a club at the Arcella. Injured owner and employee, damaged the premises

PADUA – «They claimed to have free alcohol and food and that we also hand over the money from the cash fund. When they realized we wouldn’t do it they started to beat us with bare hands and with one mazza baseball. They had aimed at us, and even if in many years we had never been victims of robberies or attacks, it was not the first time that those individuals tried to scare us ». Salim Hossain, Bengali fast food owner Taste of Spice in via Avanzo, yesterday he was punctually behind the counter ready to serve kebabs, pizzas and falafel but on his body he still bore clear signs of the beating he suffered on Saturday night. Two compatriots, in an attempt to rob him of the collection, brutally beat him and an employee and were soon arrested by the carabinieri.

What happened

«It was just after 8 pm and only my employee and I were here – explains Hossain, who has been running the business at number 23 for more than eight years – A man in his thirties, also Bengali, entered. I don’t know him personally but from the face, yes. He is a troublemaker, often drunk or under the influence of other substances. There was another younger compatriot outside, who also hangs out in the area. When the first one entered he took some beers from the refrigerator, then he demanded that we give him food and cash on hand. Obviously we said no and at that moment the aggression started ».
“He threw himself with his bare hands on my employee, then the other guy walked in, brandishing one men and baseball with which they beat us both – continues the owner – I managed to call 112 and in a few minutes the carabinieri arrived. In the meantime, however, they wounded us and caused various damage to the club because they hit everything in front of them with the bat ».

The arrest

The arrival of the patrols of the radio-mobile unit interrupted the beating still in progress. The two criminals tried unsuccessfully to grab some banknotes from the cash register and then rushed to the street and flee. However, they were blocked a few meters away. Immobilized by the military at the underpass leading into the station, they still had their baseball bat on. The two attackers, aged 22 and 31, were arrested on charges of attempted aggravated robbery and injury. After identification in the barracks, the magistrate on duty informed, they were placed at the House arrest awaiting the very direct process, expected for today. Hossain and his employee, on the other hand, were taken to the emergency room to be treated. The owner remedied bruises on his back and chest, as well as a punch in the face and a wound under his left eye. The colleague instead has numerous bruises and yesterday stayed home from work: his condition is not serious, but he will need a couple of days of rest. However, some past facts cast further shadows on the incident. “Those two have already come here other times – explains Hossain – They come in, they want to eat and drink for free, they threaten with allusive phrases like” If you don’t do what we say you will go home “. It is clear that they are the henchmen of someone who believes he can be the boss of the neighborhood. Nothing like this had ever happened to me in eight years. This time they have crossed the line ».


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