From Lombardia youth campus between legality, environment and sport – Lombardia

Pilot project with Gdf and the regional school office

(ANSA) – MILAN, 01 JUN – A week of seminars on legality, workshops on the environment, lessons on correct lifestyles, theater workshops but above all a lot of sport, from athletics to swimming, from fencing, to shooting, from judo-karate to canoeing and rowing.

The project, entirely supported by a regional funding of 25,000 euros, is called ‘Sport and legality – The school in the chair’ and sees the participation of the Lombardy Region, the Regional School Office and the Fiamme Gialle sports groups.

An initiative that Pirellone would like to extend also on a national scale. “Furthermore, we aim to spread sports and motor practice also as a tool against school and university dropout and dropout”, commented Lombard Undersecretary for Sport Antonio Rossi during today’s presentation at Palazzo Lombardia.

In the room, in addition to the representatives of the institutes involved in the initiative, there were also three testimonials, athletes of the Fiamme Gialle of world caliber such as Andrea Cassinelli, silver in the mixed relay and bronze in the 5000 m short track relay at the Beijing 2022 Games, Ivano Brugnetti, Olympic gold medalist in the 20 km walk at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games and Laura Milani, rowing world champion.

With them also General Vincenzo Parrinello of the Guardia di Finanza, Giuliana Cassani Coordinator of physical education Usr Lombardia and Claudia Giordani, vice president of Coni.

The campuses will be built in September in one of the Athletes Nuclei of the sports center of the Guardia di Finanza of Predazzo in the province of Trento, of Castelporziano (Rome) and of Sabaudia (Latina): “And advance – concluded Rossi – which I will propose to the undersecretary of Prime Minister, Valentina Vezzali, the national enlargement of this project, with the involvement of all military and state sports groups “. (HANDLE).


