Zara Tindall’s Life Hack for High Heels at Royal Garden Parties

The Royal Ascot, The Badminton Horse Trials, and the annual Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace – the Windsors love strolling in the open air. But one mystery kept the Beau Monde editors busy: how do you avoid sinking into the lawn with your sky-high stilettos? Zara Tindall turns out to have a handy life hack for this!

Pink and white

Every year many royals put on the most beautiful and cheerful outfits for one of the prestigious garden parties at Buckingham Palace. The first edition took place at the beginning of this month and it was still a princess Anne who stole the show with her cheerful outfit. Due to yesterday’s bad weather, the outfits of the royal guests were somewhat insignificant, but we still noticed Zara Tindall. She wore a white and pink look Laura Green London and a canotier van Sarah Cant.

Image: NL Image

Her outfit was perfectly matched to that of her princess cousins Beatrice and princess Eugenie, who also wore pink and white. Beatrice stood out in a bright pink dress with long sleeves and a white hat, while her younger sister opted for a white dress with a pale pink headpiece.

Handy trick

Although an umbrella provides welcome protection from the rain, it still makes the grass muddy. High heels and mud are not exactly a good combination. Zara had come up with something very useful for that. The queen’s granddaughter Elizabeth had attached stoppers under her pumps so that she did not sink into the lawn. Ideal!

Image: NL Image

A quick search shows that these ‘heel protectors’ or ‘stiletto heel protectors’ can also be found through various Dutch web shops. As far as we are concerned, a real one must have for outdoor parties!

Garden party

The late Queen Elizabeth loved the garden parties, although she admitted the weather ‘can be a bit of a worry’. “Well, you hope the sun shines when you invite 8,000 people to have tea on your lawn,” the Queen told Victoria Englisha teacher from Wales, during one of the 2019 parties.

Let’s hope the weather won’t be too bad during the rest of the parties this summer. After all, we are curious about the royals’ summer looks!

Source: Nouveau | Image: NL Image

2024-05-23 13:42:42
#Zara #Tindall #shows #royal #fashion #hack #Garden #Party


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