What has to happen this day for Real Oviedo to mathematically certify the play-off?: these are the estimates and the results

With two days left in the Second Division to decide who is promoted, who gets into the play-off and who is relegated, there are only two teams (Cartagena and Albacete) that have the competition decided. The rest still have options to leave the silver category of Spanish football.

One of them is Real Oviedo, with serious options to mathematically certify their place in the play-off for promotion to First Division after this afternoon’s match at the Tartiere against Andorra (6:30 p.m.). The problem is that the carbayón group does not depend on itself for this to happen.

The blues are sixth with 61 points above Sporting and Elche, both with 59 points. Therefore, if Oviedo wants to go to sleep with the peace of mind of knowing that they will be in the promotion league, the first thing that should happen is for Luis Carrión’s team to beat Piqué’s team. With a victory, the blue team would reach 64 points, which would significantly increase their chances of staying in the play-off zone.

Still, I wouldn’t have it closed. Sporting and Elche have to lose or draw for Oviedo to be a play-off team. If both teams lose or draw, they could not exceed the 64 points that Oviedo would add in case of victory against Andorra. If one of these teams wins, it would reach 62 points and everything would be waiting for the last day. In the event that this happens (assuming that Oviedo beats Andorra this afternoon), Elche should win their two respective games, because in the case of a tie, they would be equal on points with Oviedo and lose by goal-average. If Sporting adds three in their two remaining games, Oviedo would need to win no matter what in Ipurúa because in a hypothetical tie on points with the rojiblancos, the Carbayón team loses.

2024-05-25 18:18:32
#happen #day #Real #Oviedo #mathematically #certify #playoff #estimates #results


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