“We vacuum the cage and do the job”: Doumbè’s promise before his next MMA fight

No more humorous videos, no more provocations several weeks before the fights. Cédric Doumbè is no longer laughing, his back is against the wall. Beaten during his last clash, on March 7, by Baysangur “Baki” Chamsoudinov, the French fighter must absolutely win if he does not want to seriously end his career. Devastated by a splinter in front of an incandescent audience at the Accor Arena, “The Best” must regain his aura in the same arena this Friday against Jaleel Willis.

This fight is much less anticipated than the previous one. While the tickets for the Doumbè-Baki duel were sold in just 20 minutes, those for this Friday struggled to find takers. A competition carried out by Bellator and the media La Sueur even offered 600 places, which should allow the Accor Arena to be sold out at the last minute.

Discreet during its preparation

It must be said that the Frenchman’s communication was much more timid. While he had multiplied the provocations before confronting Baki, notably publishing videos while driving an ambulance or in a hospital where he intended to send his opponent, Cédric Doumbè was, this time, content to respond to the attacks of Jaleel Willis.

At a press conference, however, he could not contain his true nature, and indulged in real trashtalking. “Jaleel must visit Paris before the fight because afterward, he will visit the Paris hospital,” he said before continuing: “he does not need a joint because at the first straight, he’ll be high for a long time. »

Shy attacks, before which he explained his long absence from social networks following his defeat. “There was the month of Ramadan when I was silent because I was focused on a more important goal so I didn’t take the time to prepare for a fight. Afterwards, I had to go back to the gym very intensively in a short time. » This short period did not allow him to drop to 77 kg, his natural category. The fight will therefore take place in -80 kg.

Excited during the ceremonial weigh-in

And it is essential for Cédric Doumbè. Aware of the stakes, and that a defeat could seriously damage his career, “The Best” woke up this Thursday during the ceremonial weigh-in. When he had just taken off his t-shirt to get on the scales, the Frenchman threw it at his opponent, who went on stage wearing a Borussia Dortmund jersey to pique the Parisian audience. A fight broke out before security separated the two men.

The tension did not subside during the press conference which followed. While Jaleel Willis promised a fight on the ground and “15 minutes on his back”, Cédric Doumbè replied that he only needed “one punch to knock him out”. “They all want to take me to the ground, they all have the same strategy, but I can knock him out with just one opportunity,” he continued. Five minutes is a very long time, he can take me to the ground 20 times, I will get up 20 times. »

Five other tricolors on display

The Frenchman took the opportunity to throw a few “Jaleel, you’re dead”, his trademark since his fight against Jordan Zebo last September, during which he entered chanting this phrase and knocked out his young opponent in just 9 seconds. And he recognized that he no longer had the right to make mistakes. “We vacuum the cage, and we do the job,” he exclaimed. He doesn’t know what awaits him. He enjoys the Eiffel Tower, he eats croissants, tomorrow he will eat my hook. » A hell of a promise.

This duel, the most anticipated of the evening, is scheduled as a co-main event, before a fight for the bantamweight title between Patchy Mix and Magomed Magomedov. Before that, five French people will fight in the Accor Arena cage. Asael Adjoudj will open the preliminary card, before followed by Mansour Barnaoui, Thibault Gouti, Yves Landu and Grégory Babene.


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