Valle Maira Judo Athletes Shine at Italian Grand Prix: Securing Podium Finishes and National Ranking Points

A podium and other placings for the representatives of Valle Maira Judo at the Italian Grand Prix held in Genoa last weekend, valid for the acquisition of national ranking points. Seven Val Maira Judo athletes were present at the competition, with Yuri Penone who in the 90 kg category managed to win four matches for Ippon (technical knockout) losing only one, demonstrating excellent athletic preparation and an important technical improvement. For him third place finish and podium conquered.

In the Cadette Kg 70 category Claudia Marchiò did well, winning two matches for Ippon, losing as many and finishing in fifth place. Also present at the competition were Alessandra Olivero (5 kg), Luisa Belliardo (57 kg), Martina Luciano (48 kg), Christian Tosello (66 kg) and Giacomo Garelli (66 kg): for them it was not a lucky competition, a a little below their capabilities.

In a week’s time the next appointment, valid for the European Cup, which will even be in Coimbra, Portugal, and which will see the presence of four athletes for Judo Valle Maira: Giacomo Garelli (66 kg), Yuri Penone (kg 90), Alessandra Olivero (57 kg) and Claudia Marchiò (70 kg).

The coaches and the president congratulate the athletes for the excellent results obtained, and wish them good luck for the race in Portugal.

Editorial board

2024-05-23 14:43:45
#Judo #Valle #Maira #podium #Yuri #Penone #Genoa


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