USA hockey players defeat Poland and take a step towards the quarterfinals. Highlights / Article

(supplemented with the final score of the game)

The USA has accumulated 10 points after five games, currently occupying the 2nd place in Sub-Group B.

Poland’s goal shook the stands already at the beginning of the game. The crowd’s joy was short-lived, however, as the goal was disallowed for a behind-the-back foul after a USA challenge.

The possibility of the majority was quickly reached in the USA, but it was not possible to use it. In the continuation, the Americans also had two rejections, but despite the dangerous shots of the Poles, the result was not revealed. At the end of the third period, the Polish national team played in the numerical majority for the third time, but the first 20 minutes ended with a goalless draw.

The second period saw continued US pressure, but Poland fought mightily on defense. The score stayed the same until the midway point of the game, when Michael Kesselring scored with a pinpoint shot to give the USA the lead.

USA reveals the result

World Championship in hockey. Poland-U.S. 0:11 min

Also in the continuation, John Murray continued to show miracles in the Polish goal, who saved his team from another goal loss several times in an almost unbelievable way.

The Polish national team also had an excellent opportunity to equalize the score, but this opportunity remained untapped. In addition, in the very top of the third, the USA managed to double the lead, with a bit of luck, the puck ended up in the goal after contact with Brady Tkachuk.

The puck enters Poland’s goal for the second time

World Championship in hockey. Poland-U.S. 0:20 min

In the third period, the puck was increasingly controlled by the Americans. Their advantage was noticeable and already in the second minute of the third, Cole Coffield made it 3-0.

USA goes up 3-0


Poland did not give up after the third USA goal and got a gift for their fans. Gregor Pašuts was accurate, making 1:3.

Poland makes Ostrava fans happy with a goal

World Championship in hockey. Poland-U.S. 1:30 min

The U.S. soon restored the three-goal lead when Coffield put the puck into the Polish goal for the second time.

Coffield scores his second goal


It has already been announced that Latvia won three successes in the opening of the championship, which was followed by a loss against Germany. With seven total rating points, our hockey players are currently right behind the playoff zone – in 5th place.

The Latvian national team will play their next match against Sweden on Saturday at 1:20 p.m. LTV7 and will be able to watch the game and the pre-game studio live from 12:30 p.m.

In parallel with the duel between the USA and Poland, the hosts Czechs defeated Austria 4-0.

Highlights of the match between Czech Republic and Austria

Episodes of the Czech Republic-Austria World Hockey Championship match 6 min

Each group will play a round-robin tournament until May 21, after which the four strongest teams from both groups will enter the quarterfinals. The medal winners of the championship will be announced at the finals in Prague on May 26.

All world championship matches can be seen live on


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2024-05-17 21:26:39
#USA #hockey #players #defeat #Poland #step #quarterfinals #Highlights #Article


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