UEFA Imposes Conditions on Manchester City and Girona for Simultaneous Champions League Participation

UEFA Imposes Conditions on Manchester City and Girona for Simultaneous Champions League Participation

The English newspaper “The Times” revealed, this Wednesday, the conditions imposed by UEFA so that Manchester City and Girona, two of the clubs owned by the “City Football Group”, can compete simultaneously in next season’s Champions League.

According to the London daily, one of the solutions is to reduce the participation of the “City Group” in one of the clubs. In this sense, and taking into account that the group owns 100% of the English club and 47% of the Spanish club, the percentage in the latter would have to be reduced below 30%. Another option will be to transfer the shares that City Football Group holds in Girona to a panel controlled by UEFA.

The British newspaper also raises the possibility that UEFA will make Girona compete in the Europa League in 2024/25, a scenario that, however, is quite unlikely.

Remember that Manchester City has already secured its place in next season’s Champions League, although it is not yet known whether it will finish the Premier League in first or second place, while Girona will finish the Spanish League in second or third. or fourth, thus guaranteeing an unprecedented presence in the Champions League.

2024-05-15 17:28:00
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