Triumph and Dreams: Elite Archery Championship 2024 Highlights Cuban Talent

Triumph and Dreams: Elite Archery Championship 2024 Highlights Cuban Talent

Havana.- THE TRIUMPH individual in the Elite Archery Championship 2024, held this weekend in Sancti Spíritus, represented for Hugo Franco from Pinar del Río one more step towards the dream of achieving qualification for the Olympic event next summer.

The captain of the Cuban recurve bow team defeated Juan José Santiesteban from Las Tunas in the final of the national event, thus putting a golden finishing touch to the good performance in the double return at 70 meters, when he rounded off the remarkable figure of 653 points.

«For me it was a quiet tournament. I took it as part of the preparation, although one always faces it with the logical pressure of rivalry,” Hugo told JIT shortly after the end of the contest in which his province achieved collective reign.

The lower-turner, trained by Reiter Téllez, will take on the last option in the Turkish city of Antalya to get a ticket to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The qualifying event, agreed between June 18 and 23, is currently concentrating all his approach.

«We have to adjust details of the arch to get it ready. The rest is done, we have to continue concentrating because we have already been working on the technical aspects,” said the man with the most stable results for Cuba in recent years.

The Elite competition allowed Hugo to maintain the rhythm and, among other things, served to verify the stability achieved by the fourth figure within the men’s group. Iván Pérez from Artemis from Artemis defeated Javier Vega from Sancti Spiritus for the bronze medal, a member of the trio that has represented the Island in the most recent international competitions.

«It is good to know that the younger ones are “pushing”. That Iván won that match for a medal gives us the measure that his level is growing and allows us to achieve the healthy rivalry that we want between all the members of the team,” said Reiter.

In the women’s sector, we were pleased to confirm how successful the reincorporation of Larissa Pagán into the national team was. The Havana woman dominated the double return at 70 meters and won the match for the individual title against Maydenia Sarduy from Matanzas.

«The sacrifice to get here was immense, but anything can be achieved. The competition for me was like a rebirth,” commented Larissa, whose last participation in these events was in 2015.

For the bronze prize, Stephani Delgado from Sancti Spiritus defeated Melani Rodríguez from Pinar del Río. The scepters in the compound bow were in the hands of Omar Sabido from Camagüey and Leidy Laura Arias from Pinar del Río.

It is worth remembering that in the compound specialty it was news for a mixed team, set at 154 points by Cristian Santos from Sancti Spiritus and Rosalicia Domínguez from Santiago.

Tamara Jiménez, president of the Cuban Archery Federation, thanked Inder for the help and several Sancti Spiritus entities that collaborated to hold the event, despite the complex economic situation facing the country.

He also mentioned the contribution of Sergio Font, secretary of the World Archery Americas, who made it possible for what happened in the event to be reflected on the website, which collects the official results of the most important competitions in the world in this sport. .

He also recognized the logistical support from Esfaar Giraldo Córdova Cardín, led by its director Coralia Márquez.

«We had the help of many people and the most important thing was that we were able to summon the boys from the provinces and evaluate them. Without that step we cannot draw up the strategy for the next Olympic cycle,” added Vladimir Quintas, head of the national team coaches.

In the general classification by provinces, the representations of Sancti Spíritus and Las Tunas escorted Pinar del Río. Hugo and Larissa deserved the designation as the most outstanding archer in each sex.

2024-05-21 01:52:05
#Elite #competition #outlined #future #archery #Cuba


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