Toni Kroos Bids Farewell to Real Madrid as Modric’s Future Hangs in the Balance

Toni Kroos said goodbye to the Santiago Bernabéu on Saturday night. The German has captivated everyone in the decade that he has worn white. Friends and enemies. His goodbye had been announced over time for what he himself has been repeating in his statements. One more year, the decision was in his head, but unlike previous seasons, Real Madrid, its leaders, They already had the template drawn of the next campaign without the German in the locker room. If in the end he decided to continue, nothing would have happened, but the midfielder’s continuity was not expected.

In fact, the rapprochements between the club and the player started ten days ago. Without counting, yes, with the typical exchanges of words between footballer and president, so common in those visits by Florentino Pérez to Valdebebas or the concentrations. The leaders knew the midfielder’s way of proceeding. The distance was maintained and Kroos’ decision to leave football after the European Championship did not break the scheme.

Real Madrid works with planning and this situation was already foreseen. Hunger and desire to eat what is said. It will never be known if letting time pass has pushed the German to make the decision, but the fact is that the white club was clear that it could happen.

From year to year

From Valdebebas they have long been committed to waiting with players who end their contract and that they are already of a certain age. Sergio Ramos was offered it in January and even Nacho was told that continuing was in his power, but the normal thing is to wait for the final part of the campaign, as they have done with Kroos, Modric or Lucas Vázquez, who has received the proposal this week.

There are many factors that are assessed at Real Madrid before moving a piece. Sports performance, wardrobe stability, balance of salaries in the face of what comes and can go… many arguments before making a decision and the norm is usually one season, with the possibility of two in case of adding certain minutes or games. Or, as may have happened this season, the conviction that change had to come, although that does not mean that the market is looked at with urgency. Important footballers left in recent years and the white club continued with its idea, with its strategy.

Modric’s script

In that change of design for which Real Madrid was preparing, the continuity of Modric did not fully enter into the plans, but the Croatian has managed to change the scenario until he convinced everyone, starting with himself, that he has known how to assimilate the situation. He left behind the bad moments he experienced during part of the season, to feel important again and, as a consequence, want to continue wearing Madrid white for another season.

Here the figure of Carlo Ancelotti. The Italian wanted at least one of the two to continue, in case both could not do so. His idea of ​​football becomes easier with their talent on the green. This was communicated to both Florentino Pérez as José Ángel Sanchez. The coach has stood up for his players and the Croatian’s continuity, in fair measure, must also be put to Ancelotti’s credit. So much so, that Modric himself wanted to thank the coach for what he has done: “Thank you, Carlo,” the player commented to the coach this week.

2024-05-26 07:37:10
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