Title: Fluminense Beats Sport 3-2 and Climbs to Second Place in Brasileirão Feminino U20 Group C

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Fluminense beat Sport 3-2, this Thursday afternoon (23/05), at Estádio Lacerdão, in Caruaru-PE, in a match valid for the eighth round of the Brasileirão Feminino U20. With the result, Meninas de Xerém reached 19 points and took second place in Group C.

Fluminense started the match by studying the opponent and looking for spaces to attack. In the 7th minute, Ahlice crossed into the area and the defense cleared it, the ball fell to Leandra’s foot, who sent it hard into the goal, scoring the first for Meninas de Xerém. In the next move, Dudinha stole the ball in the middle, advanced and, with a dig, covered the goalkeeper and increased the score for Tricolor.

At 11, Kaline dropped for the Pernambuco team. At 24, Kauany equalized for the opponent. Flu arrived in danger again at 27, with three shots from the edge of the area cleared by the defense. At 31, Dudinha took a long shot and the ball scraped the post.

Meninas de Xerém returned for the second half looking to regain the advantage and bet on long balls to advance. At 6, Milena shot from the edge of the area, demanding a save from the goalkeeper. At 7, Rayka received the ball on the right, adjusted it and shot across, giving the goalkeeper trouble again.

At 13, Lamis threw it to Júlia, who dominated and sent it into the back of the goal, putting Tricolor back ahead on the scoreboard. After the third goal, Fluminense continued attacking and, at 34, Lamis was left with the ball at the edge of the area and sent a bomb towards the goal, but the ball was deflected and went out. At 40, a corner was taken, Dudinha headed it and narrowly missed increasing the advantage.

Meninas de Xerém’s next commitment will be on June 5th, when they will host Minas Brasília, in the ninth round of the Brazilian Under-20 Championship. The match will be at 3pm, at the Laranjeiras Stadium.

Text: Communication/FFC
Photo: Mailson Santana/FFC

2024-05-23 20:06:00
#Fluminense #beats #SportPE #Under20 #Womens #Brasileirão #Fluminense #Football #Club


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