“They called my family to say that I had committed suicide,” reveals Saïd Chabanne, after the return to Ligue 1

“They called my family to say that I had committed suicide,” reveals Saïd Chabanne, after the return to Ligue 1


Published 6 minutes ago, Updated now

Angers is back in Ligue 1. Baptiste Autissier / Baptiste Autissier / Panoramic

After Angers’ return to Ligue 1, Saïd Chabanne settled his scores by talking about the last few months that were difficult for him.

Angers is in Ligue 1 and that gets Saïd Chabanne talking. In the mixed zone after the match against Dunkirk (0-0), which allowed the Angevins to return to the first division, the former president but still owner of the club spoke of difficult months after his sentence to two years in prison, one of which was suspended for sexual assault.

“Some people bet on my suicide. They called my family to say I had committed suicide. To all those, for all the harm you have done to me, to my loved ones and my friends, you have only strengthened my conviction because the relentlessness that there was, I would not wish it on anyone and some will recognize themselves”, he mentioned.

The one who handed over to his son Romain, at the head of the club, also showed his pride in seeing his club return to Ligue 1: “Thank you to my colleagues and players who remained united around me. We find our place among the elite, it’s a step and we haven’t arrived. There is a lot of work to be done.”


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