The Road to Reconstruction: A Tough Loss for Stade Toulousain Player in Roland-Garros Qualifying Round

the essentials No flame, no intensity, too many unforced errors (20), no break point to negotiate, the player from Stade Toulousain (172nd) missed out (6-3, 6-2 in 1h02′ ) of his second round of qualifying this Wednesday, May 22 against Slovakian Jozef Kovalic (146th). The road to reconstruction still seems long.

It seems like you never entered the match…

I was riding on it from start to finish. I never found any solutions. There’s not much to say other than it’s a good wank.

Do you have an explanation ?

No there is not. I felt good yesterday (Tuesday 21, Editor’s note), good this morning. I have the feeling that nothing has fallen into place. I didn’t have time to hit three balls. As soon as my opponent had a ball to play, I found myself on the back foot. I couldn’t commit. I lost my serve in the first set while I was leading 40-0 (at 2-3). He connects a lot of returns on my first balls and I find myself under pressure too quickly.

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The difference in intensity seemed significant with your first round against Hugo Dellien on Monday evening…

Ah but there, it’s not even a difference anymore, it’s a world of difference. That plays very well to his face, OK. But for my part, I haven’t put anything in place. And in these conditions, there is no chance of winning the match.

Are you sometimes tired of slipping in the rankings (42nd in April 2023, 172nd today) without being able to reverse the trend?

Yes, there are times like that, it’s true, hard times. Afterwards, beyond my job, tennis is also my passion. I like playing, I enjoy training, I enjoyed it during the first round here. Tennis swings so quickly, one way or the other, almost every morning. The idea is to succeed in switching to the right side, in a tournament, which could restart everything. Having a big week with several matches back to back, I need that. It will come back.

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Without touching your staff (Lionel Zimbler and Martin Vaisse for tennis, Kevin Blandy for physical), with whom everything is going well, what lever can you activate to accelerate this shift?

I have 100% trust in the people around me, that’s for sure. Afterwards, I don’t really know. Tactically, we try new things in training. I have what it takes to lift my head. It takes time, for confidence to return, for many things to return.

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Morale remains there?

Right now, no, because I just got torn on court 14 at Roland when I was hoping to do better. But yes, overall, morale is there.

2024-05-22 18:35:00
#RolandGarros #run #spite #Benjamin #Bonzi #sharply #eliminated #qualifying


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