The Rising Popularity of Badminton Among French Youth: A Sport Accessible from a Young Age

Badminton is a booming sport in France with 200,000 members, which is becoming more and more popular because of its technique and its playful aspect, thus generating growing enthusiasm. Badminton is a sport that is very easy to learn and accessible to everyone. Many people were introduced to this sport during their schooling, since it is a sport that is played in middle school and even high school.

Badminton: a discipline accessible from a very young age?

Badminton offers many benefits for children’s development. Playing badminton in a club allows them to develop various skills such as general motor skills, balance, flexibility and aerobics (cardio). But what is the age required to start badminton? In many sports practices there is no real age requirement, everything depends on the progress of your child’s motor skills and especially their desire to practice the activity they like. According to Laurent Constantin, badminton expert “For children, from my point of view it is not very interesting to start badminton before the age of 3. Indeed, badminton requires a certain number of general motor skills and it is very rare to have developed them before this age.” For the former member of the French team, French champion in 2014 and coach at all levels, starting badminton at a young age can be a plus over the years of practice. Certain gestures will already be assimilated.

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An advantage of starting badminton at a young age?

In any sporting activity, there is a taste for leisure above all. According to Laurent Constantin: “Between 3 and 5 years old our objective as a coach is not to teach them to play badminton but simply to help them develop general motor skills and not just those related to badminton by offering them a multitude of fun exercises.” The children are there to have fun and enjoy their extracurricular activities. For our expert, to hope to reach the high level in badminton there is a question of age. “The advantage of starting badminton between 5 and 8 years old is that technical learning is very simple due to the fact that the development of motor skills takes place during this same period. We therefore see the appearance of a segmental dissociation which is getting closer and closer. more coordination.”

We recommend starting badminton practice at the age of sixwhen the child acquires an understanding of the issues, develops the ability to play in pairs, and demonstrates good body coordination.

Practical information on badminton

Playing badminton requires considerable physical effort. It is crucial that your child carefully follow your trainer’s instructions and take the time to prepare your joints well. As far as equipment is concerned, the needs are relatively simple: a badminton racket and suitable shoes, given that this sport is practiced indoors. Once equipped, your young athlete is ready to take part in this sport. But how much does it cost? In general, the badminton license for under 18s is d‘environ 23€, while an average badminton lesson costs around €29. There are many badminton clubs in town, and a simple online search will allow you to find the one closest to you to register your child. However, some clubs ask for an annual fee which is around 100/150 euros.

[Dossier] What sport at what age: sporting activities for children deciphered! – 26 articles to consult

2024-05-06 13:12:17
#age #child #play #badminton


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