The Rise of Trieste Basketball: Overcoming Turin and Facing Forlì

Quality, cohesion and belonging. If you had to choose three words to describe the playoff series Trieste Basketball against Turin it would probably be these. The team led by coach Christian, in fact, in the triple match against the Piedmontese demonstrated brilliance and physical and mental acceleration worthy of the best times. Capable of triggering an incredibly favorable domino effect: sky-high mood, great basketball and rediscovered love with the square, as amply demonstrated by the incredible chaos offered by PalaTrieste in game 3. An idyll that everyone hopes will continue for a long time to come, despite facing a high-quality opponent such as Forlì. The Romagna team, fresh from first place in the red group, will in fact be a truly tough opponent. Trieste, however, believes in it and leaves confidently, according to his word Stefano Bossi.

Did you expect to do so well against Torino? How galvanized are you in view of Forlì?

We expected to have a great series, even if the 3-0 exceeded our wildest expectations. But in recent weeks we have always had the full awareness of being able to do really well, with the certainty of being able to be corsairs away. The turning point for this change of direction occurred even before the series, in Rieti, when during the last race of the clock phase and with the squad finally complete we told ourselves that we could be protagonists. We are a team built to play games like these.

Even with Forlì the first two games were away and the third was at home. How important is the field factor?

In the last match the Trieste crowd gave us an extra boost, the environment was incredible and we can’t wait to play again at PalaTrieste. As regards the away field factor, it must be said that, without really taking anything away from Turin, but in Forlì it will be a different story. Despite the twinning between the fans, I am sure that the atmosphere will be very tough, even if we know we can always count on our fans, who were even present with two buses in the last away match.

How do you evaluate your opponents?

Over the last two years, Forlì has amply demonstrated its value thanks to expert players such as Cinciarini, Magro, Pascolo and Zampini. However, Allen, the second best American winger in the championship, will be missing from their ranks, so it will be important for us to adapt to the technical upheaval that the team will undergo due to the absence of the American, manager of 33% of Forlì’s possessions. Always paying attention to all the other possible protagonists.

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2024-05-16 15:45:38
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