The Rise of Anthony Edwards: The Sporting Reincarnation of Michael Jordan?

Until months ago, just talking about it was crazy, something crazy. But, suddenly, in recent times Anthony Edwards’ growth has been so great that comparisons with that young Michael Jordan are the order of the day, especially during the long-awaited West semifinal between his Wolves and champion Denver. These days, after each game, videos and photos abound on social networks that show shocking similarities, in gestures, postures, reactions, shapes, plays, shots, movements that make you believe…

To the point that there are comparisons that show the similarities of specific actions and even montages that start with a play by one of them finished by the other, almost 40 years later. Watching Edwards today is almost like watching Jordan in 4D. Talking about the sporting reincarnation of MJ in AE is, more than anything, a game, although it is true that The Ant is doing things so that there are not a few who believe that such a statement is not so reckless… Something that we already experienced with Kobe Bryant , the closest copy – so much so that it still impacts – the God of basketball. But be careful. It’s not the press. It’s not just the fans who join in. They are his own rivals, companions and megastars of history who support him…

Patrick Beverley started a while ago now. Edwards’ former teammate, he claimed that he said it to his face. “You have a chance to be a Michael Jordan.” And he explained why. “I’ve been in this league for a long time, I’ve seen a lot of talent, but few like this, with so many things. It is clear that he has incredible talent and skills, but there is more behind it and that is why I say that he can be someone really very special. MJ was MJ because he had everything, not just the talent. He had the desire, the mentality, the way of working and playing. “He has, like Michael, that smile, that captivating charisma, that charming attitude… But on the court he is a monster, a killer like Jordan,” he explained.

Anthony Edwards y su festejo. Mandatory Credit: Isaiah J. Downing-USA TODAY Sports

But be careful, he is not just a former teammate. There is someone today who thinks similarly. “I honestly have to say he reminds me of a young Jordan. Obviously, they have a lot of the same mannerisms. And his plays, movements, the dunks, his athletic ability, some of the defensive actions that he also does. But, at the same time, my opinion goes further, especially when we talk about his work ethic, mentality. I have never seen a guy or had a teammate who believes in him as much as Anthony Edwards. And few with his focus and aggressiveness on the court,” he commented on the Fox Sports network.

Kevin Garnett, one of the greatest legends in history and particularly of the franchise where Edwards shines, followed the same line, without fear. “It reminds me of Jordan from ’84. Yes, yes, they listen well. If Anthony Towns were not there, Edwards would average 30 points at long last. His talent is overwhelming and he plays on both sides of the court. Like Jordan. I also see it in his ways, that he is not selfish, that he wants to win above all else,” he concluded. And even Charles Barkley, always controversial, joined in. “Yes, the truth is, it reminds me of MJ and Kobe, basically because I would kill to win a game,” he added.

What will MJ say? Chris Broussard, a well-known journalist in the environment, assured that she spoke with Jordan and that MJ approves of the comparison. “She told me that she agrees, that she sees similarities in her game,” he said. But don’t tell Edwards that. “I want this comparison to stop. He’s the best of all time, you can’t compare him to me. It is not possible,” he remarked.

Tremenda volcada de Anthony Edwards . Mandatory Credit: Isaiah J. Downing-USA TODAY Sports

Of course, for the comparison to stop, he will have to stop making plays and gestures that remind us of the greatest. Like in Minnesota’s beating of Denver, no less than in the home of the champion to make it 2-0 in the Western semifinal series, when he made a couple of Jordanian actions and even in one, a bomb, he made a gesture of Jordan who remained in history. The one where he opened both arms as if to say “What do you want me to do?” directly to Magic Johnson who was commentating on Game 1 of the 1992 Final, when Michael scored 35 points – and six three-pointers – against Portland during the first half. The so-called The Schrug Game.

Like MJ, Edwards is elevating his game when it counts most, in the playoffs. In the regular season he broke it and Minnesota shocked everyone by fighting for No. 1 in the West. He averaged 26 points, 46% from the field, almost 36% three-pointers and 84% free, with 5.4 rebounds and 5.1 assists. In this postseason he rose to 32.3 points, 55% from the field, 42% triples, 6.8 recoveries and 5.8 passes. A true madness, generating brilliant actions, appearing at the most decisive moments and, most importantly, being decisive in attack and defense. He is the leader on both sides, within a team that confirms having the best defense in the tournament, in addition to a diversified offense.

Sure, but the similarities don’t stop there. Similar things happened to them and they resolved them in the same way, with determination and resilience. When Michael was very young, he preferred another sport, baseball. And he played it, dreaming of reaching the Major Leagues, something he tried when he retired for the first time, in 1993. Anthony, while growing up in Atlanta, also preferred another sport, American football (he played three different positions), and dreamed of get to the NFL. But, in both cases, they had older brothers who inclined them towards basketball.

And, furthermore, they made them suffer. Mike, for example, to beat Larry, in the backyard of his house. The oldest in the family was stronger and played well, he did not forgive him. This fueled his competitive spirit, which, in itself, was important. The same thing happened to Anthony, against Bubba.

MJ’s rise, let us remember, was not easy. He was cut from the Laney High School main team by coach Pop Herring, and from that day, after crying inconsolably, he vowed never to experience that situation again. He worked and reinvented himself until he was the best in high school and arrived at the University of North Carolina. Something similar happened with the Ant, as his father called him since he was little. To reaffirm his dream, one day he wrote “Future NBA” on the wall, indelibly. An ambition that he strengthened after receiving two devastating blows, the death of his mother Ivette, first, in 2015, and eight months later of his grandmother Shirley, both victims of cancer. “I’ll make them proud of me,” he confessed to Bubba in private.

Mandatory Credit: Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports

That’s what he worked for, seeing his role models and idols. Kevin Durant was one, of course, whom he saw shine in the NBA, but from YouTube he also watched MJ. And he copied, without great difficulty, what he saw and today he has perfected. Just like Kobe did. The movements, the explosiveness, the takeoff, the athletic ability, the versatility, the smile, the gestures, the charisma… Of course, without forgetting the character, the killer mentality of MJ and Kobe. Edwards has everything. And he shows it. In the best possible scenario. Only he knows the ceiling. For now let’s enjoy the new superstar who is shaking up the NBA at just 22 years old.

2024-05-18 04:42:00
#Anthony #Edwards #NBA #superstar #striking #similarities #Michael #Jordan


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