John Rahm does not make the cut in the PGA (the first time after 18 majors in a row) and continues his bad streak since he left for Saudi Arabia

“I was very surprised by how well he was playing. “This is the first time it’s happened to me, that I’ve been playing very well and things aren’t going my way in a tournament,” reflected Jon Rahm, affected by a poor performance on the second day of the PGA Championship, the second “major” of the season. which later had the expected consequences. If on Thursday he had a day from less to more to finish with 70 strokes, one under the par of the field, on Friday he did not right the course. He signed three birdies, for two bogeys and a painful double bogey on the 17th hole that ended up condemning him. With -1 on the day and even on the total, he waited patiently, but soon realized that it was not going to be enough to continue playing the weekend. The cut was -1, something unusual, but it has happened and Barrika’s has been left out. He had made the cut 18 majors in a row, the longest streak of an active golfer. The last time he didn’t do it was at the PGA in 2019. This shows how extremely difficult golf is.

The drama and the rain

The Friday of the PGA Tour, which takes place at the Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky, was marked by the death of a worker, hit by a bus also belonging to the organization, which led to the chaos of the day and even the arrest of world number one, Scottie Scheffler, for an incident with a police officer. Bad weather also marked the start of this second day and in that sense Rahm was unlucky, because he had to do practically his entire route in the rain. Later, without him competing, he improved. “If you don’t take streets in this field it is complicated. I have made a couple of good putts but it is a shame that many of the ones I have made have not gone in by a narrow margin”, he found an explanation for his result. He only took six streets out of fifteen.

Jon leaves frustrated again from a “major”, as happened to him at the Augusta Masters, where he defended the title he won last year and this time he finished in 45th place. That time he made the cut, but he was never in the fight above. They are the first two traditional tournaments that he has played since last December he decided to go to LIV Golf, the Saudi Arabian championship, in exchange for 550 million dollars over the next six years, which has made him the second best athlete. paid in the world, only behind Cristiano Ronaldo. There, he has not yet achieved any triumph. His departure caused suspicion and bad looks from some teammates, as he himself acknowledged at the Masters.

David Puig, with a total of +3, also missed the cut. Adrián Otaegui still has to finish his route this morning, as the day was suspended due to lack of light. He is missing holes 15, 16, 17 and 18. He finished the first day with -1 and this second day he was +1.

Xander Schauffele remained the leader, with a total of -12. Collin Morikawa is -11, Sahith Theegala is -10 and then there are four players with -9, including Scottie Scheffler, who was able to compete after being stopped and did not lose concentration.

2024-05-18 02:07:46
#John #Rahm #cut #PGA #time #majors #row #continues #bad #streak #left #Saudi #Arabia


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