The Long Road to Recovery: Lonzo Ball’s Journey Back to the Court


The ordeal of Lonzo Ball it may finally have come to an end. As reported by the player himself during the latest episode of the podcast What an experiencehis return to the field is scheduled for first game of next season: “I believe it. This is the plan I’m following and I’ve had no problems“.

Lonzo Ball he underwent his first surgery in January 2022. The decision was made after the conservative approach had failed to alleviate the knee problem in any way. With the Chicago Bulls leading the Eastern Conference, his return to action was set to be 6-8 weeks after surgery. This timing was not respected and, even during the post season, the player had to cheer on his teammates from the bench.

Paincaused by a bone bruise, tormented the player as soon as he tried to intensify his training. This pushed him to lean towards a second surgical operation. In January 2023, a year after it all began, the road to returning to the field seemed to have almost come to an end. The rehabilitation continued and Lonzo Ball posted the first videos of him playing again. At the end JanuaryHowever, it was Coach Donovan himself who dampened the enthusiasm by indicating how the date of a return to the field is indefinite.

Two months after the coach’s statements, in March 2023, came the news that all Bulls fans didn’t want to hear: Lonzo Ball will undergo his third operation. The cartilage transplant (first ever in league history) will keep him away from the Chief through the 2023-24 season. In the previously mentioned podcast, the player himself explains the situation: “It all started in 2018 with a torn meniscus when I was at the Lakers. At that point the cartilage had disappeared and the bone was rubbing on bone. I had to get a new meniscus from a donor and also have some new cartilage inserted. It’s finally healed and I’m ready“.

In the meantime, the player has chosen to exercise the player option worth 21.3 million dollars for next season. Lonzo Ball’s return to the field is near and the Chicago franchise awaits him anxiously. Before the very long stop, the second overall pick in 2017 had averaged 13 points, 5.4 rebounds, 5.1 assists and 1.8 steals in 35 games played.

2024-05-25 14:31:08
#donor #knee #play #match #season


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