The Historic Venue: Archery World Cup Returns to Hôtel des Invalides in 2023


A little history…

The Hôtel des Invalides was built in 1687 under Louis XIV, as a military hospital for disabled soldiers (hence its name) and as a retirement home for war veterans. Today, it is the gathering place for various military authorities and hosts several organizations dedicated to the memory of veterans. This building, a flagship symbol of French architecture, is located on the Left Bank of the Seine, at the Pont Alexandre III, from which it is separated by the Esplanade des Invalides, where the archery events will take place. .

In 2023, L’Esplanade des Invalides hosted the Archery World Cup. This site will therefore be familiar to archers who have already been able to get their bearings during this event.

2024-05-16 15:26:23
#Esplanade #des #Invalides #French #Archery #Federation


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