Crackdown on Cheating in Baseball: The Case of Ronel Blanco

“Never answer the wrong call”Yogi Berra

When society is in crisis, sport runs the same marathon and sometimes with worse results, as is happening with our professional baseball players, who have raised the flag of cheating and trickery as a banner of struggle.

Now it was the pitcher’s turn Ronel Blancoof the Houston Astros, who last Tuesday in the fourth inning against the Oakland Athletics had his glove confiscated and first base umpire Erich Bacchus left the field with it and took it to safety when he detected that it had an illegal substance .

It’s sad what happened to Blanco, but we have to be tough on cheaters.

Major League Baseball cracked down on foreign substances in 2021 when pitchers were simply too dominant with the sticky substances used to increase spin rate, leading to more ball breaking and less offense.

Major League Baseball sent a memo on March 22, 2022 reiterating to teams that the rules regarding the use of “sticky substances” for pitchers will continue to be strictly monitored and enforced in the 2022 season. In addition to the review of gloves, caps and straps, pitchers will be subject to finger and hand inspection at any point in the game.

Blanco has been a diamond in the rough for the Astros this season. Tuesday marked just his 15th start and his 32nd appearance in the majors. But he threw a no-hitter in his first season start earlier this year and owns a dominant 2.08 ERA.

What is an irrefutable truth is that Creole baseball players in the Major Leagues lead the list of frauds in the baseball market.

I hope I’m wrong, but in the tournament this Sunday, May 19, where the knockout rule is in force, we will see the fraud gurus looking for the strike before the ballot enters the counting box area and at the end the kicking area .

What of Ronel Blanco It is unfortunate, but the law is harsh, but it is the law and take advantage of the 10 games of suspension to meditate. Rule 8.02 of Major League Baseball He says it very clearly: “Pitchers should not use any external substance on their physique or apply it to the ball.”

A day like today

  • 1951: The Águilas del Cibao team fines the Cuban pitcher René “Látigo” Gutiérrez with $30.00 pesos (thirty) and the Dominican Octavio Blanco with $10.00 (ten) for violation of internal discipline.

  • 1954: Ted Williams returns to action after breaking his collarbone in spring training and goes 8-for-9 with two home runs and seven RBIs in a doubleheader against the Detroit Tigers. Williams has three hits in the first game, which was a 7-6 loss. He was 5-for-5 in the glass, including two home runs, but Boston lost 9-8 in 14 innings.

  • 1957: The Yankees celebrate Billy Martin’s 29th birthday in raucous fashion. A subsequent fight at Manhattan’s Copacabana Club results in $5,500 fines and Billy’s eventual trade to Kansas City. Hank Bauer allegedly starts the fight by punching a customer, although Bauer denies this.

  • 1989: Sammy Sosa plays in center for the Texas Rangers, taking the leadoff turn in his first game in the Major Leagues; he hits a double and a single against the Yankees.

  • 1996: Amaury Telémaco debuts in the Major Leagues with the Chicago Cubs and beats Houston 13-1. He pitched 5.2 innings.

  • 2007: Robinson Canó, New York Yankees, in the second game of a double evening against the White Sox, had one hit in five at-bats, starting a chain of consecutive games batting through no man’s land that reached 11, raising his average to . 260.

Sports reporter. Baseball lover and his experiences.

2024-05-16 08:21:28
#Ronel #Blanco #baseball #player #caught #redhanded


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