The German Wagner, French Pinot, and Japanese Tajima Triumph on Day Four of World Judo Championships in Abu Dhabi

The winners on the fourth day of the World Championships in Abu Dhabi were the German Wagner, the French Pinot and the Japanese Tajima


In a splendid setting of tradition and modernity, in the heart of Abu Dhabi, the fourth day of the World Judo Championships took place, to the delight of fans and enthusiasts. Before the competitions, IJF president Marius Vizer awarded Frenchman Jean-Luc Rougé the prestigious 10th dan in judo, crowning his extraordinary career.

The -70 kg category saw an all-French final. Margaux PINOT he showed determination all day with impressive judo. Compatriot Marie Eve GAHIE also reached the final after dominating in previous matches. The two athletes know each other well and so it is not surprising that it reached the golden score, where Ghaié had to surrender in the face of a waza-ari from Pinot, who won the title.

The medals were presented by His Excellency Mohammed Bin Thaaloob ALDEREI, President of the UAE Judo Federation. “I’m world champion… it’s crazy, it was the thing I hoped for most – commented Pinot -. I dreamed of this title when I was young, I hoped to become world champion because it’s a huge achievement for me”.

In the -90 kg category, 2017 world champion Nemanja MAJDOV faced the lesser-known Japanese Goki TAJIMA. Both appeared particularly fit in the preliminary matches. This final was also decided by the golden score and it was TAJIMA who found the flash to carve out a place for himself in the history books.

Former President of Croatia and IOC member Kolinda GRABAR-KITAROVIC presented the medals. “I always aim for victory, but I also want to put on a show, and that’s what I tried to do today”, declared the Japanese judoka.

The -78 kg final saw two fierce competitors clash. The German Anna-Maria WAGNER, in great form, and the Italian Alice BELLANDI, looking for her first world title. She was the first to win with a submission, which allowed her to win her second world championship.

The president of the MET Group, Benjamin LAKATOS, presented her with the gold medal. “At the moment I can’t believe it – confessed Wagner -. The last three years have been a real roller coaster and this time too, before the Olympics. I really can’t believe it. This medal means a lot to me because it was once again a tough fight to reach the Olympic Games. Now I can say I made it.”

In Abu Dhabi we are therefore starting to breathe Olympic air, in view of the Paris Games. Thus ends the fourth day of the World Championships in Abu Dhabi, the perfect setting for a sport made of loyalty and friendship.

2024-05-22 19:58:51
#Judo #world #champions #Abu #Dhabi


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