The future of Antonio Conte, between the flattery of Napoli and the offers of Milan

The wait is about to end, the break is finally about to end. Antonio Conte he is ready to return to coaching, he is ready to sit on the bench again. There is Italy in his future, there is that Serie A that he left in 2021, with Inter, to move to London, Tottenham side, where he remained until 2023.

From that moment on, nothing more. Rumors, indiscretions, sightings, negotiations. But now the time seems to have arrived. Antonio Conte is in pole position to replace Stefano Pioli on the Milan bench and to take the place of Francesco Calzona on that of Napoli. In the end who will win?

Antonio Conte. Photo Source:

The Azzurri’s strategy

For Aurelio De Laurentiis he is the first choice. They are certain of this in the Castel Volturno area, with sources even already speaking of an offer: 6 million per year as a fixed base, with a 3 million bonus for possible qualification for the Champions League. According to some, for the moment, Napoli’s is the only concrete offer in the hands of Antonio Conte, who is also waiting to understand which other clubs will knock on his door. So the Napoli he continued to look around anyway: he would be there Gian Piero Gasperinifresh from a historic year with Atalanta, the suggestion Jose Mourinhowhich now seems far from Italy, or the roads that lead to Palladino e Thiago Motta. The first is more feasible, while the second already seems promised to Juventus.

Antonio Conte. Photo Source: Milan News

The idea of ​​Milan

But the intertwining of the market and the future for Antonio Conte also passes through Milan. Yes, because the Rossoneri will say goodbye at the end of the year Stefano Pioli and they will have to choose a new technical guide. The roads that lead to the Apulian coach are all very difficult, even if in recent days a petition was even launched which exceeded a thousand signatures in just a few hours. “Future? I haven’t spoken to the club yet – explained the coach after the 5-1 against Cagliari – we’ll do it soon and then we’ll see. I have a very good relationship with my managers”.

Everything is still evolving and everything is still unclear. The other path is the one that would bring Stefano Pioli right onto the Napoli bench, closing the only slot really available at the moment for Antonio Conte. That he will have to continue to look around, perhaps staying still for another year.

2024-05-16 10:00:39
#future #Antonio #Conte #flattery #Napoli #offers #Milan


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