Saet Padel Cup: A Day of Sport, Solidarity, and Entertainment in Torgiano

Initiative of the Perugia company Saet Umbria at the Padel Arena in Torgiano. Many enthusiasts are expected on a day (19 May) where there will be no shortage of food and entertainment

The first edition of the Saet Padel Cup will be held on Sunday 19 May at the Padel Arena in via Ferriera in Torgiano. An event created by the Perugian company Saet Umbria, chaired by Simone Tomassini, to involve numerous fans of the discipline in a day of sport and solidarity . In fact, the proceeds from registrations for the tournament will be entirely donated to the Committee for Life Daniele Chianelli. The Saet Padel Cup will also be an opportunity to experience a day of entertainment with various collateral initiatives: performance of the 7 Brains, Fortebraccio Rhythmic Gymnastics, a Vespa exhibition and a traveling show for children).

There will be good food and entertaining music.

“We thought of this initiative – declares the President of Saet Umbria, Simone Tomassini – to best combine a day of sport, to be experienced together with family and friends, with a gesture of solidarity. Today padel represents a very widespread discipline among different generations and a strong attraction for many enthusiasts. We hope to welcome numerous athletes and make an important contribution to the activity of the Daniele Chianelli Committee”.

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2024-05-16 01:42:06
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