The benefits of Whey Isolate

Whey protein is a product composed mainly of globular proteins of high biological value extracted from whey, a liquid dairy product resulting as a by-product of the manufacturing of certain cheeses.

Types of Whey Protein

There are three main types of whey protein:

During a first transformation of the whey, we obtain the whey protein concentrate. This contains certain amounts of fat and lactose, and therefore a lower percentage of protein (usually between 70 and 80%). By removing the fat (and virtually all the lactose), we obtain protein isolate, which is much purer (90-95% protein).

In recent years, hydrolyzed proteins, in which the long protein chains are “broken” making them even easier to digest, have become popular.

Benefits of whey isolate

Promotes the gain and/or maintenance of muscle mass. Increases strength and energy during training. Prevents muscle catabolism and improves recovery phases. Increases glutathione levels: our body gradually undergoes oxidative processes that cause multiple diseases, glutathione is a natural antioxidant that protects against these processes. Protects against osteoporosis: Whey protein contains a good amount of calcium and is also very low in sodium, and studies have shown that it strengthens the resistance to fracture of the femoral bone beyond that due to its calcium content. Improves Wound Healing: In patients who have suffered burns or surgery, whey protein is highly recommended due to its high quality and bioavailability. Protects against possible tumors: by increasing glutathione levels, it indirectly protects against the growth and development of tumors in the body. Benefits for cardiovascular health: whey protein helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in our body, due to the presence of lactoferrin, one of the bioactive fractions. It also lowers systolic blood pressure, known as high blood pressure. Strengthens the immune system: this is also due to lactoferrin and increased glutathione. Strengthening the immune system results in a reduction in infections.

When to take whey?

In the diet of any athlete, any time of the day is suitable for ingesting a portion of protein and therefore for the proper nourishment of our muscle mass, but the best time for prendre la whey isolate is especially after training.

Post-workout whey protein

After training, our body has a high demand for proteins and amino acids, especially if the workouts are intense as we seek to increase our muscle mass, which is why it is the best time of day to supplement with whey protein.

Whey Protein Before Workout

Before a workout is also a very good time to have a protein shake, as the body is about to experience a lot of energy expenditure and a lot of muscle damage due to the thousands of micro-cuts we will create during intensive training.

Intra-workout whey protein

It is advisable to drink a protein shake during training to slow down muscle wasting and facilitate recovery.

Other times of day to drink protein shakes

Besides before, during and after training, any other time of the day is suitable for taking protein: at breakfast, mid-morning, mid-afternoon, before going to bed, etc. .


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