Telekom Baskets Bonn Face Tough Playoff Challenge Against Alba Berlin

Bonn/Berlin – This will not be an easy task for Telekom Baskets Bonn. After the successful play-in game against the giants Ludwigsburg (final score 90:69), the toughest opponent imaginable is now waiting for the start of the Basketball Bundesliga playoffs: Alba Berlin!

Have to fight against Alba Berlin for Matt Thomas (29, left): the Telekom Baskets Bonn. © Imago images

Game 1 of the best-of-five quarter-final series will take place this Friday evening (6:30 p.m., live on DYN) in Berlin. Whoever wins three games first advances to the semi-finals.

Alba finished the main round in a strong second place. On the penultimate matchday, the capital city team clearly won 90:69 against Bonn a week ago.

Nevertheless, Bonn has regained enough self-confidence in the last few games to be able to compete in Berlin twice. At least that’s how Baskets coach Roel Moors (45) sees it: “Three or four bad minutes are enough to tip the game against such a strong opponent. Our attitude, the belief in ourselves and our abilities will probably be even more important than that the tactics and the game plan.”

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The previous playoff record against Berlin does not speak for the Baskets. So far, Bonn has only been able to win a series in the knockout games against the Albatrosses once. That was the last time the two teams met in the playoffs in 2009.

Winger Sam Griesel (24) added: “It’s the playoffs. A new season begins. We just have to play as hard as we can.”

Game 2 will then take place again in Berlin on Sunday at 5 p.m. The third game, and thus Bonn’s first and perhaps only home game in this series, will take place on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Telekom Dome.

2024-05-17 10:25:00
#Play #hard


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