Taxi Driver at Night: A Love Letter to Bologna’s Streets

Roberto RedSox Mantovani presents Taxi driver at night (Garzanti) with Carlo Lucarelli.

A white seven-seater Volkswagen Touran drives through the semi-deserted streets of the center of Bologna almost every night. In the driving seat sits Roberto “RedSox” Mantovani, a taxi driver, who for eight years has been doing “the best job in the world in the most beautiful city in the world”. In love with his business but impatient with the critical situation facing Italian “taxism”, in May 2023 Roberto started a campaign against colleagues who were reluctant to use the POS, publishing his daily takings on X (then Twitter). Not yet satisfied, he decides to break the wall of reticence that has always surrounded his profession with a book that sheds light on the dynamics of a world about which very little is known. Taxi Driver at Night, however, is not just a “sincere trial of the category”. It is also, and above all, the attempt to convey the love for a profession with countless potential and always unpredictable. The Emilian capital is the perfect backdrop for an endless series of anecdotes and stories collected by Roberto on board his #Bologna5: encounters that changed his life, unexpected romantic scenes, races against time, undercover investigations. From the most famous taxi driver in Italy, the ironic and spontaneous account of the chiaroscuro of a profession that causes discussion, but reserves constant surprises and twists.

ROBERTO «REDSOX» MANTOVANI he lives in Bologna, where he was born in 1969. After working as a firefighter and tow truck driver, in 2016 he purchased a taxi driver’s license and fell in love with what is still his job today, so much so that he wrote a book about it. He has two cats, is passionate about baseball and a Boston Red Sox fan and confidently states that he knows how to prepare the “best ragù in the world”.

2024-05-24 16:52:15
#Taxi #driver #night #Culture #Bologna


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