Success at National University Championship, Spanish Cadet Super Cup, and Spanish Veterans Cup

The first of the bronze medals came on Saturday morning in Jaca. Elena Casado He returned to the podium in a National University Championship for the second consecutive year. Two fights won and only one defeat against the Andalusian judoka was the balance of Elena, who fought representing the USAL.

The second of the bronze medals would come from Daniel Cidoncha in Don Benito. This was the first participation in the Spanish Cadet Super Cup of the 2024-25 season.

Elm Israel continues adding medals to the collection. On this occasion he would achieve silver in the Spanish Veterans Cup in Vitoria, the most prestigious on the National calendar. Israel showed great form throughout the competition and would only fall in the fight for gold. Israel fights in the 40 to 45 age category at less than 73 kilos and has been reaping very good results.

2024-05-14 17:49:28
#JUDO #bronze #medals #silver #Doryoku


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