Spanish Prospects Juan Nuñez and Be Almansa in the Spotlight for the 2024 NBA Draft

The 2024 Draft lottery has smiled on the Atlanta Hawks, and with the selection order established, the main American specialized media have refreshed their forecast of elections for the great event of the NBA’s promises of the future. Among the candidates with realistic options of being elected, two Spanish representatives stand out: Juan Nunez (Ratiopharm Ulm) e Be Almansa (G-League Ignite).

Both ESPN and The Athletic are smiling in the case of the 19-year-old point guard, Spanish international and former Real Madrid youth player, although the forecasts are very different. The first medium places in the number 30 from the first round of his mock draft to the Madrid native, a position that would make him a member of the Boston Celtics. The other, however, drops him to the last selections of the second round, in position 56 owned by the current champions, the Denver Nuggets.

In the case of Almansa, one of the most successful youngsters in the Spanish national team’s youth ranks, and a member of the defunct Ignite project in the G-League, the forecasts are less kind. ESPN places the 18-year-old from Murcia in the position 38which is property of New York Knicks via the Utah Jazz. The Athletic, directly, does not include him among the first or second round selections.

For Yahoo Sports, a curious situation could arise, since both Almansa (39) and Nuñez (57) could end up in the Memphis Grizzlies where the only Spanish representative currently plays in the best league in the world, Santi Aldama. As the variability of the simulations clearly shows, these are mere speculations with very little science and compelling arguments behind them.

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2024-05-13 09:43:05
#Celtics #Nuggets.. #Knicks #interesting #future #Spanish #NBA #Draft


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