Silver Shuttle Badminton Association Invites Youth Members to Bring Someone for Fun Morning Event

za 25 mei, 15:22 Sport

Badminton association Silver Shuttle is organizing a BIM morning on Saturday, June 1: Bring Someone! Every youth member can bring someone: a boyfriend, girlfriend, boy or girl next door, brother, sister. It promises to be a very nice morning with free play, games, sweets and, above all, lots of fun and enjoyment. The morning starts at 9:00 am and takes place in the Sophia Hall. Don’t know anyone at Silver Shuttle and would you like to try out badminton? Then visit and register to play three times for free.

Nina (11), Eunice (9) and Amelie (8) are only too happy to tell you how nice and cozy it is at Silver Shuttle. Every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. they are eager to play badminton together. They play in the youngest group at Silver Shuttle. They would love it if more girls came to play badminton. Boys are of course also very welcome! When asked what is so nice about badminton, all three say: “It’s just a lot of fun, the trainer is funny and very good.” The girls really enjoy smashing and serving high and they learn that from trainer Tom. “Playing games against each other and windmill sails is also a lot of fun,” they add enthusiastically. With windmill wings the group is divided in two. Each group lines up behind each other on one side of the net. Then the replay starts and when you have hit, you run to the other side as quickly as possible. If you miss the shuttle or hit it into the net or out of bounds, you are out. This game is always very fanatical!

2024-05-25 13:22:57
#Bring #Silver #Shuttle #Saturday #June #news


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