Serie A: Bologna-Juventus ends 3-3 – News

Serie A: Bologna-Juventus ends 3-3 – News

Serie A: Bologna-Juventus ends 3-3

Calafiori’s brace and Castro’s goal: Thiago Motta and Bologna teach Juventus a lesson for 75 minutes. However, Juventus only needed a quarter of an hour to get back on track in a match in which they hadn’t seen the ball until then. Nothing changes in the standings: Bologna are third on equal points with the Bianconeri on 68 points but with Atalanta, stuck on 66, who have yet to play a match against Fiorentina. Bologna pulls the plug and with an error from Lucumi gives Chiesa the 3-1. Then comes Milik’s free kick and Yildiz’s flash, following another error by Posch, which rewrites a match that until the half hour of the second half had seen only one team on the pitch. This is also thanks to the choices of Montero, who starts with Allegriana’s 3-5-2 but upsets the team in the second half by switching to 4-3-3: it is the move that wakes up the Lady, who thus remains in the running for third place one day from the end. There was no match at the start: Bologna extended their lead for third place by crushing Juventus. It is a historic victory, within a memorable year: the Champions League is in the safe and on the rossoblù cake comes the icing of the home victory over the bianconeri which had been awaited at the Dall’Ara since 1998. The formula with which Thiago Motta crushes that Juventus who are courting him for next season is the same with which the rossoblù moved on to Maradona: a rolling start. Eleven minutes and it’s already 2-0. Eleven minutes of opportunities and very high pace, with Freuler eating up the lead and Szczesny saving himself in the corner. But on the developments here is the advantage with Calafiori’s first league goal, which crowns a season that has seen him become one of the strongest central defenders in Italy: Castro hits, the defender takes possession of a loose ball and from close range puts in the ball at seven. A few turns of the hands and there is another opportunity for Aebischer and in the eleventh minute there is Ndoye’s cross, on which Urbanski and Castro pounce: they both touch it with their heads, forgotten by Gatti and Bremer, the last one is the Argentinian, who scores the first goal. Another first time and it’s 2-0 and the third doesn’t arrive only because Szczesny puts his glove on it in the 13th minute to avoid the 3-0, which arrives with Odgaard but offside. Juventus in a doll, Bologna master of the pitch, which then slows down towards the end of the first half, moving into management mode, still putting the Bianconeri below in terms of organization. Vlahovic and Chiesa are caged by Lucumi and Calafiori. Juventus created the first opportunity at the beginning of the second half on the Chiesa-Rabiot axis, but Skorupski put it in a corner. It’s an episode, however, and it awakens Bologna, who closes the game in the eighth of the second half, with Calafiori’s brace: Vlahovic doesn’t manage a ball in support well, Danilo gets everything wrong, Urbanski steals the ball and the defender comes in tow to fly towards the 3-0 score, like in 1998. It seems over but that’s not the case. Montero switches to 4-3-3 with the entry of Yildiz and Bologna goes into early party mode. An error by Lucumi gives Chiesa the flag-winning goal. Juventus then reopens it with a free kick from Milik 7 from the ninetieth minute and a minute later it hits: Posch’s mistake and Yildiz thanks. Juventus would also have the ball to win it with Chiesa, but Aebischer made up for it: it would have been too much, from what we saw.

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2024-05-20 21:39:28
#Serie #BolognaJuventus #ends #News


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