Seaweed in the kitchen, 5 types of seaweed to use for healthy and tasty recipes

Seaweed in the kitchen, 5 types of seaweed to use for healthy and tasty recipes

The seaweed in the kitchen they are used more and more: at least they exist 5 types of seaweed to use to prepare healthy and tasty recipes.
We have all complained at least once about algae, finding them on Caribbean sand beaches or in crystal clear waters, yet these organisms are very important for the well-being of the oceans. Algae, in fact, help preserve marine ecosystems, protect coasts from erosion and are up to 400 times more efficient than trees in absorbing carbon dioxide.

Seaweed in the kitchen, 5 types of seaweed to use for healthy and tasty recipes

World Oceans Day (8 June) is an excellent opportunity to learn about them better and understand how they could improve our future thanks to their versatility and variety in terms of energy production, sustainability and much more. The experts at CiboCrudo, an Italian plant-based and raw food brand, teach how to integrate algae into our diet and thus contribute not only to the health of the seas and oceans, but also to our well-being.

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1. Salary Kombu

Also known by the English name kelp, kombu seaweed belongs to the class of brown algae and is particularly appreciated for his ability to give a tasty sea flavor to any dish.
It is a very rich algae of iodine and sodiumperfect for flavoring the traditional dashi broth of Japanese cuisine or a sauce with tomato, parsley and capers, or even in the mixture of crackers and breadsticks.
After being used to prepare broth or boil legumes to soften the skin, it can be rinsed and reused, or frozen for later use: zero waste food!

2. Algae Wakame

Wakame belongs to the wakame family brown algae and has a light and delicate flavour. Delicious in salads, for example with slices of cucumber, vinegar and sesame seeds, it can be eaten simply crumbled on rice and other cereals or soaked in water for about ten minutes.
Very rich in iodine, a mineral necessary for the correct functioning of the thyroid, it has an excellent ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 with an antioxidant effect, kept intact by processing at low temperatures.

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3. Alga Irish Moss

Irish moss, it is a red algae that grows on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America. Once considered a remedy for respiratory diseases, this algae was added to soups and infusions due to its restorative power: a superfood rich in minerals, it contains 50% carrageenan, a polysaccharide with immunomodulatory and antiviral properties.
They are perhaps the trendiest algae: their effectiveness in supporting collagen production has made them very popular among vegetarians and vegans who do not want to use collagen supplements of animal origin. Irish moss algae can be used in two different ways: to create thick infusions or smoothies with water to create a raw Irish moss gel, an excellent base for smoothies, tasty jams or creamy pastry recipes. In both cases, before use, you need to rinse them with water to bring them back to their initial volume.

4. Alga Dulse

Dulse is a red algae native to the Atlantic Ocean that grows on rocky coasts, with a delicate sea flavor.
Rich of lysine, iron, vitamins A, B12, C and K, and polyunsaturated fatty acids easily assimilable, this algae contains precious antioxidants and has a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. It can be consumed dry, perhaps chopped into flakes, or soaked in water for a few minutes, then drain and rinse under running water before using.
Try the combination of potatoes and dulse sprinkling a little dried and chopped seaweed on the puree or to season roast potatoes instead of the classic rosemary.

5. Seaweed Spaghetti

It is a large brown algae with thread-like leaves that resemble long pasta, and from which the name derives. With a delicate taste reminiscent of that of a land vegetable, sea spaghetti seaweed it can be consumed in a similar way to wheat pasta and it’s a great gluten-free, low-carb alternative to noodles and spaghetti.
These algae are rich in magnesium and fucoxanthin, a carotenoid with protective effects against colorectal cancer as well as phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Sea spaghetti is still harvested in a sustainable way: by hand, when low tide arrives and taking care not to tear up the roots, in order to encourage regrowth.
Photo CiboCrudo


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2024-05-27 08:00:37
#Seaweed #kitchen #types #seaweed #healthy #tasty #recipes


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