Celebrating the End of an Incredible Season: Bologna’s Return to Champions League

Celebrating the End of an Incredible Season: Bologna’s Return to Champions League

The end has truly come. With last night’s defeat – in a total festive atmosphere, let us specify – one of the best seasons in the history of Bologna ended, which returned to the Champions League 60 years after the last time. Yesterday’s defeat does not in any way affect what has been achieved this year: whether it is third, fourth or fifth place, it is the final result that counts, and given the celebration on Wednesday, it had already been more than achieved.

But how did all this come about? The perfect slide is the final embrace a few seconds after the end of the match: a united Bologna, no one excluded.

De Silvestri, the perfect description of this Bologna

It has been evident for some time, perhaps already since the beginning of the season: there was something special about this group. Yes, it is a “done” sentence, perhaps, said now and with the objectives achieved: but we are not the only ones to say it, fortunately. The person who says it, or rather, said it last night, is the “Mayor”: Lorenzo De Silvestri.

One of the symbols of this Bologna spoke like this at the end of the match: «A season ends that united us, created an incredible group with staff, club and fans. The coach was an integral part, he gave us lots of advice and helped us grow. His choice must be respected, he was sincere with us, we retraced the season together, some of us spoke and we hugged each other». A real slap in the face to those who shout about conspiracies, following the decision of Thiago Motta not to renew the contract with the Rossoblù: everyone was one “thing”, from the first to the last day.

The inheritance is to be invested

We continue on the words of number 29 Rossoblù: «It was an extraordinary season and we can look to the future with confidence: the coach leaves us with an important playing identity, behind us we have a solid club and we are a group of matured players and men who have bonded off the pitch».

And then the social posts of Lucumì, Beukema and Calafiori, who swear eternal good to each other after what they have experienced. All this, as said by De Silvestri, is a legacy that will be vital next year: it is a starting point, and it is the lifeblood on which to continue the journey. Also for this reason, the “escape” recounted on several occasions is not to be taken for granted: who feels like leaving all this? From the faces, you’d think no one. This was the secret: a group that put everything aside to get to the top.

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2024-05-27 05:22:19
#Bologna #strength #group #united


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