San Marino Baseball Makes Comeback Victory Against BSC Grosseto with Pinch Hit by Celli

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With a hit by Celli as a pinch hitter in the 6th inning, the San Marino Baseball makes it his gara3 and so also the Jannella series col Bsc Grosseto. Comeback victory, with the first inning having sent the hosts 3-1 with hits. Then the San Marino comeback, culminating in 6th with the overtaking. The winning of the match is De Leon, salvation per Kourtis.

THE NEWS. At the 1st Tromp immediately earns a base ball, is on second base on a wild pitch and scores on Alvarez’s hit (0-1). Excellent start, but at the change of ends the hosts immediately put a series of hits on De Leon. The singles from Sellaroli, Aloma, Giordani (1-1) and Mercuri arrive in sequence. Cinelli is the first out, but immediately afterwards there is also a valid one for Cappuccini (2-1) and that of Function’s 3-1. Six of the first seven men in the Grosseto line-up hit a single. Particularly difficult start for the starting pitcher from San Marino, but from here on the story changes, with BSC hitting only two more hits in the next six attacks. In the 2nd San Marino risks again, but without conceding any points. For Sellaroli there is base ball, with the defense however making a double play on Aloma’s line. Giordani is hit and Mercuri hits a double, with Cinelli shortly after, at the plate, the third out. It is the definitive sliding door, because from this moment the San Marino attack will begin to grind and the pitching mound will no longer suffer as before. At the 3rd Batista is hit, Alvarez earns a base ball and Angulo’s double is worth the second point. In the 4th, with Ferrini on base with a single and two outs, Tromp hits the hit which means 3-3. The balance of the game is broken in the 6th inning. For Pieternella there is the base ball, Ferrini moves him to second with a sacrifice bunt and on Lopez’s bounce he advances to third. In place of Di Fabio, Federico Celli comes on as a pinch hitter, making his first appearance on the pitch over the weekend due to a muscle problem. For him a crucial single, the one that sends the point of San Marino’s advantage to home plate. The 4-3 lasts until the end, also because the closing of Kourtis, who moved up to 6th in place of De Leon, is excellent. San Marino rises to 7 wins and 2 losses and is at the top of the Group A standings together with Parma and Bologna.


SAN MARINO: Tromp ec (1/3), Diaz 3b (0/4), Batista ed (0/3), Alvarez 1b/r (1/3), Angulo dh (1/3), Pieternella r/es (0/2 ), Ferrini 2b/1b (1/2), Lopez ss (0/2), Di Fabio (Celli 1/1, Lo. Di Raffaele 2b) es (0/2).

BSC GROSSETO: Sellaroli ed (2/3), Aloma ss (1/4), Giordani ec (1/2), Mercuri 3b (2/4), Cinelli r (0/2), Cappuccini es (1/3), Function dh (1/3), Luciani (Oldano 0/2) 1b (0/1), Tiberi 2b (0/3).

SAN MARINO: 101 101 0 = 4 bv 5 e 2
BSC GROSSETO: 300 000 0 = 3 bv 8 e 0

PITCHERS: De Leon (W) rl 5, bvc 8, bb 1, so 6, pgl 3; Kourtis (S) rl 2, bvc 0, bb 1, so 2, pgl 0; Garcia del Toro (i) rl 4, bvc 4, bb 3, so 7, pgl 3; Palumbo (L) rl 2, bvc 1, bb 1, so 2, pgl 1; Pecci (f) rl 1, bvc 0, bb 0, so 1, pgl 0.

NOTE: doubles of Angulo and Mercuri.

2024-05-11 21:40:11
#Match #BSC #GrossetoSan #Marino


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