RWDM Relegated After Third Consecutive Defeat: Yannick Ferrera Reflects on Disappointing Season

The RWDM did not do the job, and suffered a third defeat in a row in as many Playdowns matches. The Molenbeekois were therefore relegated, and Yannick Ferrera could only see the damage.

We thought the Molenbeek miracle was on its way after the start of the Playdowns. But the RWDM, which had left the red zone and was even 5 points ahead of it, collapsed. Three defeats in three matches: it is ultimately KV Kortrijk which will play the play-offs for maintenance.

Yannick Ferrera failed in his rescue mission. The former Standard coach knew he was taking on a very complicated challenge. “We thought we were cured, but the illness was deeper than we thought,” he regrets at the microphone ofEleven DAZN.

“We were five points ahead of the red zone… and we didn’t take any in the last three games, losing here to a team that was already relegated. These are the facts,” notes Ferrera, who does not not deceive: “We are where we deserve to be”.

This defeat in Eupen was fatal to the RWDM, while KV Kortrijk had not taken a point in Charleroi. The Molenbeekois return to the Challenger Pro League, a year after moving up.

2024-05-12 08:00:00
#Yannick #Ferrera #gloves #relegation #RWDM #football


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