Rubiales offered Piqué and Messi “30 kilos” from UEFA for footballers due to salary losses during the pandemic

Luis Rubiales, former president of the RFEF, offered Gerard Piqué and Leo Messi 30 million euros from UEFA to alleviate the salary losses of footballers in the pandemic, reports the digital newspaper The Objective. The newspaper had access to the messages and audios related to a conversation where Rubiales tells Piqué: “We have to return to the issue of funds, or at least, take out the 30 kilos (…) to put them at your disposal.”

According to the aforementioned media, the president of UEFA, Aleksander Ceferin, held several video conferences in 2020 to design a plan that would allow “redirecting funds and benefit players affected by the crisis sanitaria”.

During tonight’s ‘El Partidazo’ program on Cadena COPE, the director of the digital newspaper, Alvaro Nieto, announced that in the next few hours they would publish more audios related to this matter.

The digital newspaper El Español published this Wednesday that sources from UEFA and the RFEF reported that in a meeting between Messi and Ceferin the Argentine player conveyed the urgency of creating a fund intended, above all, for the most needy footballers and that He preferred “not to charge if there is no money to help everyone”.

2024-05-23 03:02:42
#Rubiales #offered #Piqué #Messi #kilos #UEFA #footballers #due #salary #losses #pandemic


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