Rostock Seawolves narrowly avoid Bundesliga relegation in dramatic final stretch

In the final stretch, the Rostock Seawolves managed to stay in the Bundesliga despite losing 73:101 at Bayern Munich – because Crailsheim lost 83:103 to Alba Berlin. If the Merlins had won (which was possible in the meantime), Rostock would have been relegated; So nine wins this season are enough.

Rostock manager Jens Hakanowitz (44): “Thank God!” Club boss André Jürgens (46): “We are definitely sending a little surprise package to Berlin. As a thank you for taking it seriously.”

They celebrated the end of the season yesterday on the cruise ship “AIDAmar” in Warnemünde. The Seawolves bosses in a double interview.

The second BBL year was a lot harder than expected, right?

Hakanowitz: It hurt. A lot of things didn’t fit right from the start – changes at the point guard position, the most sensitive position, constant unrest, additional commitments. That took a lot of effort; we were never really attuned. But that’s just one topic, we had a lot of construction sites…

The Seawolves creators André Jürgens (left) and Jens Hakanowitz

Photo: Adrian Wittwer

What lessons are there?

Hakanowitz: We should have made more active decisions. But we first talk to the protagonists before they find out from the press how we assess their performance. Just be patient, we’re still working on it.

But let’s ask about the coach: At the beginning of the year, during a phase of 13 defeats in a row, you clearly committed to Christian Held. How is the analysis done?

Hakanowitz: We’ll be sitting together from now on – with an open mind.

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Did the qualification for the European Cup and the additional workload in the second BBL year come too early?

Hakanowitz: I don’t think the European Cup was the problem, but rather the inconsistency in the team.

Jürgens: If you achieve something – a promotion, a qualification – you should take advantage of it. Giving up would also be a weakness. From an economic point of view, the European Cup was fully supported by our sponsorship concept and there was no loss.

How did the entire season go financially?

Jürgens: It represented a challenge with the many stumbling blocks and additional commitments. But our task is to generate a six-figure profit – that’s our goal.

Hakanowitz: Despite the sporting misery, we had an immensely high number of spectators and the hall was always full. This contributed to an economically solid year.

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Source: DYN MEDIA 12.05.2024

2024-05-13 17:42:44
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