Rieti Shows Fortitude in Home Victory: Defense Shines in Win

Ok, let’s immediately clear the sky of possible clouds: one less foreigner makes a bit of a difference, just look at how Forlì was always beaten by Trieste in two home matches. AND Rieti, inevitably, is a little less than it could have been. But yesterday, there was a lot of that Fortitude to celebrate, for a second home game where there was no history, more or less from the middle of the first quarter onwards. Always defending like crazy, making it impossible for anyone else’s offensive plot to exist. Then, finding the right solutions in attack, as they say: they continue to shoot 3-pointers a little too much compared to the seasonal average, but yesterday it didn’t seem like Effe was ever in real difficulty. In short, lots of that stuff to applaud, and that’s it.

Therefore, we are -1 away from the probable match against Trapani, whereas Antonini recently complained about the low local turnout at the matches (and pointing out, not with great precision, that the box office prices were much lower than the local ones). However, it would be stupid to already think about the next step, as demonstrated by what happened to the so-called cousins ​​with Tortona, brought to a risky game 5 after having done their job at home and perhaps having encountered unexpected difficulties far from here. He then returns to play on Friday, knowing that he already has the matchpoint in hand, but also knowing that thinking of an easy walk would be the ideal telepass for game 4 and so on. In short, we understood each other. Everything else is useless.

Just like heaven – In the end Caja praised Freeman, whose exuberance was there for all to see. But applause must also be given to the defense that ensnared Johnson, Bolpin and Panni first and foremost. On the other hand, if Rieti never reached 60 in two races, it’s because everyone worked great.

Disintegration – Giuri is still very much out of the picture, whose concept of not wanting to alter already solid balances is going a little further: hesitancy doesn’t help, and the terrible turnover at the end of the second quarter (terrible in terms of aesthetics, not in terms of consequences, fortunately ) is here to prove it.

2024-05-22 20:24:42
#Flats #Service #FortitudoRieti #series #race #race


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