RGENtec launches an Ulule campaign to revolutionize sports care

RGENtec announces the launch of its crowdfunding campaign on Ulule. This range presents an innovative and effective solution to treat the little everyday aches and pains of athletes.

RGENtec is a brand specializing in pro-regeneration, resulting from scientific research, intended for all athletes and practitioners wishing to support them effectively. Daily aggressions of the athlete, irritations or friction… From the athlete committed to optimal performance to all the sportsmen in the family who wish to prolong their practice in a preserved physical condition, the RGENtec care range focuses on the optimization of regeneration .

RGENtec is an innovation from the OTR3: Science for Everybody laboratory dedicated to the recovery of all athletes.

By choosing Ulule, the RGENtec brand opts for a general public platform in order to involve consumers in the development of the brand. This campaign offers broad coverage and allows the positioning and marketing strategy to be tested with a targeted and engaged audience. This runs until the beginning of July.

In a promotional video, the RGENtec brand has chosen to show the sport as it really is, far from the idealized advertising clichés. Everyday athletes are confronted with minor but recurring injuries, for which there are few lasting and effective solutions. RGENtec meets this need with a range of products specially formulated for athletes of all levels.

Audrey Arrivetx, Responsable Marketing et Communication de RGENtec : “We are delighted to launch 360° communication for RGENtec, an innovative French brand resulting from research by the OTR3 laboratory. By using different channels, we want to highlight our range of sports cosmetics and reach a wide and varied audience. Our objective is to make the effectiveness of our products known to athletes, while strengthening our positioning on the market. »

The brand’s 360° approach includes: a website and an e-commerce platform, an active presence on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube), a sampling campaign with on-site tests carried out by athletes, accompanied by testimonials available on the site, an advertising video as well as a corporate video with interviews, participation in key events in the fields of sport and health in 2024 and 2025.


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