Rescued English Springer Spaniel Succumbs to Severe Neglect: A Heartbreaking Tale

Rescued English Springer Spaniel Succumbs to Severe Neglect: A Heartbreaking Tale

Press review – He arrived at the clinic in desperate conditions, despite the intervention the vets were unable to save him

MARY CIANCIARUSO – An English springer spaniel rescued by the Zoophile Guards of “Fare Ambiente” was reduced to the point of death by his owner. A few days ago, a report regarding the mistreatment of a dog in Riccione, in serious difficulty and presumably ill, arrived on the dedicated WhatsApp number (370.3131006). The Zoofile Guards, who intervened near the reported house, immediately contacted the owner of the dog, who was not present in the house at the time of the check. Urged by the authorities, the owner took the five-year-old animal to a veterinary clinic in Valconca. Unfortunately, the dog arrived here in desperate conditions and, despite two days of intense efforts by the veterinarians, it was not possible to save him. (…)

Article taken from Corriere Romagna

2024-05-26 17:54:13
#Riccione #Malnourished #beaten #5yearold #dog #dies #owner #reported


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