Reciprocal Restrictions Imposed on Udine and Cantù Fans for Semi-Final Matches

Reciprocal Restrictions Imposed on Udine and Cantù Fans for Semi-Final Matches

Limitations for Udine fans for the first two semi-final matches, identical provision for Cantù fans heading to Udine tomorrow evening. And the response of the Cantù fans will also be identical: no trip to PalaCarnera, as a sign of protest.

The Observatory on sporting events of the Ministry of the Interior has decided on the line of reciprocity: what fell to Udine, will also fall to Cantù. Today the decision will be ratified and provides for the same restrictions: no online resale but only in some identified ticket offices in the area (in this case, Cantù will directly sell the tickets on site) and at the latest until 7pm today, transmission of the list of buyers to the Udine Police Headquarters by 10am tomorrow and – a point particularly contested in recent days by the Apu Udine management – the use in the guest sector of volunteers from the hosted club, in this case Cantù, wearing recognizable shirts (similar to the one of the stewards).

2024-05-23 04:16:12
#Cantù #Udine #fans #match #protest


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