Proposed Offside Law Change by Arsène Wenger Approved for Presentation to Ifab

The proposal to change the offside law, created by Englishman Arsène Wenger, former Arsenal coach, was approved in field tests carried out in Europe and, according to the English newspaper “The Times”, is ready to be presented to the International Football Associaton Board (Ifab), responsible for regulating football around the world.

1 of 1 Proposal for a new offside law: above in a legal position, below out of play — Photo: Reproduction Proposal for a new offside law: above in a legal position, below out of play — Photo: Reproduction

In September last year, Wenger presented his suggestion to end the so-called “same line”. Under the new proposal, which has been nicknamed the “daylight rule”, there will only be an offside when the attacker is completely in front of the defender. Even if only part of the attacker’s body is on the same line, then the decision would be to validate the move. Today, any part of the body that is valid for the game (except hands and arms) is enough to mark an offside.

Wenger presented the idea in September last year, but the proposal would need to be tested in the field. According to “The Times”, the former English coach has obtained positive results in lower division games in Sweden, Italy and the Netherlands in recent months.

See VAR analysis of possible offside in Ceará’s goal against São Paulo

2024-05-23 12:47:29
#offside #law #passes #tests #presented #International #Board #international #football


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