Promoting Active Aging: Walking Football Meetings in Marco de Canaveses

Promoting Active Aging: Walking Football Meetings in Marco de Canaveses


The 1st Walking Football Meeting took place last Saturday, March 16th, promoted by the Porto Football Association in partnership with the Portuguese Football Federation, in which the municipality of Marco de Canaveses was represented by teams from ARC São Lourenço do Douro, Parish Council of Penha Longa and Paços de Gaiolo, Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Marco de Canaveses and Senior University of Marco de Canaveses-USMC.

The meeting took place at EB 2,3 in Rio Tinto, in the municipality of Gondomar, and was accompanied by councilor Pedro Pinto, responsible for Sports at the Municipal Council of Marco de Canaveses.

“Walking Football is an adapted form of football, walking, designed for people over 50 years of age, with the aim of encouraging sports practice, integration and coexistence of practitioners, in order to promote a more active life”was explained.

The modality also aims to “combating isolation, sedentary lifestyle and depression, improving health rates and increasing social interaction and coexistence among those who practice it”.

The Municipal Council of Marco de Canaveses joined the Pilot Project of the Porto Football Association, with the aim of promoting the sport in the municipality, and will organize the next Walking Football meeting, next Saturday, March 23rd, the starting at 2pm, at the Marco de Canaveses Municipal Stadium.

In addition to the four teams that participated in last Saturday’s meeting, the municipality of Marco de Canaveses also has another team, made up of users of the Carvalhosa Social Center.

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2024-03-19 07:00:00
#district #meeting #Walking #Football #teams #Marco #Canaveses #Rio #Tinto


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