Prescription-Based Rehabilitation Sports Program: No Cost for Participants

Rehabilitation sport can be prescribed by a doctor. There are no costs for participants. Please make sure that you get a prescription for rehabilitation sport (not functional training).

If your doctor has prescribed rehabilitation sports for you, you would need to take this prescription to your health insurance company and get it approved there. As soon as you have received approval, you are welcome to take part in our sports program in the area of ​​rehabilitation training. It is best to come to us with your prescription first so that we can find the right group for you in a personal discussion. You can reach us at Diedrich-Dannemann-Str. 25 in 26203 Hundsmühlen or by phone at 0441-5708994.

In rehabilitation sports we offer both dry gymnastics and water gymnastics.
Participation in the entire rehabilitation sport program is possible with a prescription or as a club member.

2024-05-26 16:15:32
#Overview #rehabilitation #sports #Judo #Club #AchternmeerHundsmühlen


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