Pornographic Video Interrupts Luka Doncic’s Press Conference After Mavericks Win

The scene made the journalists present on site laugh. After Dallas’ victory against Oklahoma City in Game 2 of the Conference semi-finals (119-110), the Mavericks star was interrupted by the sound of a video which disrupted the audience: audible by the entire room , a pornographic video pulled the rug out from under Luka Doncic, who lowered his head to listen to the noises.

Uncomfortable with this situation, the Slovenian raised his head before continuing with a laugh: “I hope it’s not live. » The sequence which lasted a few seconds did not disrupt the rest of the press conference which was able to continue.

Focused on his goal, Luka Doncic will meet the Thunder again, Saturday at 9:30 p.m., at home. Tied in the series (1-1), Game 3 will be crucial for the Mavericks who will seek to maintain home field advantage before a Game 4 still in Texas. In difficulty since the start of the shooting play-offs, the Slovenian showed a completely different side with 29 points at 11/21 shooting and 5/8 from distance, 10 rebounds and 7 assists.

2024-05-10 17:40:57
#Luka #Doncic #interrupted #sound #pornographic #video #press #conference


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