PIACENZA BASEBALL. MINIBASEBALL SMILES, THE UNDER14 SURRENDES TO POVIGLIO – The youth baseball championships are proceeding in fits and starts, heavily penalized by the rains that are characterizing this month of May. However, in the last weekend two of the teams from the red and white youth sector managed to honor the calendar. The U14 had to postpone the appointment with the first victory once again and at Montesissa the visitors Poviglio prevailed with a score of 9-6. And at a certain point there was concrete hope that the hosts would be able to obtain their first satisfaction of the season, given the prodigious recovery from 2-6 after just two innings. In fact, in the second round of attacks the comeback was completed at 6-6 and everything was postponed to the last inning. At the last minute it was the Reggio players who imposed their law, with 3 points that set the final as mentioned at 9-6. On the other hand, minibaseball smiles, collecting its first success 16-15 away in Collecchio. A significant injection of confidence for this friendly group of novice under-8 babies. These are the protagonists: Grassi, Moreno Rivas S., Bertonazzi Ed., Cagnano, Moreno Rivas E., Martinez I., Corbellini, Martinez J.

2024-05-21 10:27:23
#Piacenza #minibaseball #smiles #Collecchio #Defeat #under14s


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