Everything is ready in Valsassina for the super classic only up Pasturo – Rifugio Brioschi VK2. The climb to Grignone “tutt d’un fià”, as the “locals” like to call it, will from this year be dedicated to Claudio Ghezzi, undisputed king of the Northern Grigna with his 5,600 ascents.

130 sky runners are accredited at the starting line. Among them stand out the Orobic William Boffelli and the Camunian Corinna Ghirardi. In the list of sure protagonists, an obligatory mention goes to Alex Rigo, Lorenzo Rota Martir, Mattia Gianola, Luigi Pomoni, Giovanni Zamboni, Claudia Boffelli, Daniela Rota, Danilo Brambilla and Filippo Curtoni.

The format will be the one tested and promoted in the field in the previous 6 editions with starting line from the center of Pasturo and arrival at the door of the Brioschi Refuge, at the top of the Grigna Settentrionale. A 7.5km sprint with 1800 meters of positive altitude difference that can test the legs of even the most trained climber. The best performances belong to the skialp champion Michele Boscacci 1h11’05” and the verticalist Camilla Magliano 1h26’07”. Respectable records, but certainly not unbeatable. As per Fisky regulations, kway mandatory for everyone.

The program includes the competitors meeting at 7.30 in Piazza XXV Aprile in Pasturo for the delivery of the bibs. By 9.00 am (deadline for the delivery of the backpacks that will be carried up to the mountain by the organizers), those who are undecided at the last minute will be able to register and get a bib. The start will be at 9.30, while the competitors are expected to arrive at the Brioschi Refuge at 10.45. For everyone, from 1.00 pm, polenta and refreshments at Pialeral where the final awards ceremony will be held at 3.00 pm.

Last note, but no less important, those related to the environment. The Pasturo-Rifugio Brioschi takes place inside the Grigne Park, and like all the events organized by Team Pasturo it will have an eye on eco-sustainability: flags, glasses and recyclable raw materials will be used for the event. Athletes caught throwing waste along the route will be disqualified.

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1970-01-01 00:00:00


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