Parma Clima Prepares for Home Round After Successful Weekend in Macerata

Having archived the difficult weekend in Macerata with satisfaction, Parma Clima is preparing to play the second home round of the season.

The sending off on Saturday evening led to a two-match ban for Wander Encarnacion while also creating curiosity about his replacement. «Last Saturday we remedied this by moving Ascanio to third base and inserting Monello as catcher – explains coach Marcello Saccardi -. In the first two races of this weekend I will also have other alternatives available. We could use Angioi or Scerrato at third base, bring the recovered Noel Gonzalez to the interior line, confirm Ascanio… We will also have to evaluate the conditions of Monello, who arrived on Friday evening from the United States and was immediately thrown onto the field.”

However, there are few doubts about the rotation of pitchers. «We will follow the winning pattern of the first three days – continues Saccardi –. Maybe we will change something in the choices of the reliefs but the starters will be Casanova, Bocchi and Figueredo.”

Last week Big Mat Grosseto (1-8) achieved their first success of the season by winning the Italian pitchers’ match against San Marino. Over the winter, the Maremma team signed Pecci, Mercuri, Giordani and Sellaroli, all former Nettuno 1945 players, with the clear desire to strengthen the team which reached the semi-finals of the playoffs in 2023 after overcoming Macerata in the quarter-finals. To date, however, the results have not lived up to expectations. Stefano Cappuccini’s boys struggled in the batter’s box (overall average of .192) and on the mound (average PG of 5.90).

Parma Clima (7-2) boasts better overall numbers (mb .325 and mpgl 2.18) and six batters with a personal average above .300: the duel between Bologna and San Marino, the other league leaders, could allow the ducals to regain the solitary lead in the ranking in the event of a positive result.

This is the program:

Venerdì 17.05, ore 20: Erly Casanova (3-0, 0.50) vs. Remberto Barreto (0-3, 5.17)

Saturday 18.05, 3pm: Matteo Bocchi (2-1, 1.62) vs. Mattia Sireus (1-2, 8.10)

Saturday 19.05, ore 20: Raymond Figueredo (2-1, 3.95) vs: Eddy Garcia Del Toro (0-1, 5.25)

All matches will be played at the Nino Cavalli stadium in Parma.

In the meantime, the Fibs Match Organization Commission has announced the match times for the second round. The evening races will start at 8.30pm, the afternoon ones at 4.30pm.

(In the photo, Luis Gonzalez, Parma Clima’s best hitter with an average of .452)

2024-05-16 10:39:40
#Parma #Baseball #Saccardi #alternatives


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