Parkway Provides Medical Insurance Services for YGA SuperBig5 Youth Basketball Games in Shanghai

From May 4 to May 5, 2024, the YGA SuperBig5 youth basketball games concluded successfully at the GBA Jinqiao Hall and GBA Sanlin Hall in Shanghai respectively. This competition attracted U8-U18 from all over the country, and more than 600 youth basketball players from 55 top youth basketball teams participated, bringing a carnival-like basketball feast to youth basketball enthusiasts.

Parkway provides medical insurance services for events

As the medical sponsor of this YGA SuperBig5 youth basketball game, Parkway Medical provides full medical security services and first aid support for the game. At the competition site, Parkway Medical has set up multiple first aid points, equipped with professional rehabilitation therapists, American AHA certified first aiders and complete first aid equipment and medicines. Whether it is due to accidental injury or sports rehabilitation, Parkway Medical’s medical staff can respond quickly and provide effective first aid treatment to ensure the smooth progress of the game.

During the competition, many team members suffered sports injuries, such as external bleeding, muscle contusions, joint sprains, etc. Parkway first responders dealt with the above situations in a timely and effective manner, and rehabilitation therapists also conducted treatment for the sports injuries of the team members. Manual therapy helps athletes recover as quickly as possible, reduce the impact of injuries, improve the body’s flexibility, stability and muscle strength, thereby improving sports performance.

Stretching before and after exercise plays a very important role during exercise. It has a positive impact on the health and flexibility of muscles and joints, helps improve exercise performance, prevent sports injuries, and promotes the overall health of the body. healthy.

The importance of stretching

Prevent sports injuries

Proper exercise stretching can help prevent muscle strains, sprains and other injuries during exercise.

Improve athletic performance

Adequate stretching can help muscles better prepare for exercise, increase muscle elasticity and flexibility, make muscles easier to stretch and contract, and improve exercise efficiency and power output.

Improve posture and body balance

Proper stretching can improve body posture and balance and reduce muscle tension and discomfort in daily life and sports. Through stretching, bad posture can be corrected, the stability and coordination of the body can be enhanced, and the body’s movement efficiency can be improved.

Promote physical and mental relaxation

Exercise stretching can help relax muscles, relieve tension and stress in the body, and promote physical and mental relaxation and relief. Stretching increases blood circulation, helps relieve stress and anxiety, and improves physical comfort and well-being.

In addition, Parkway Medical’s medical staff also provided screening, health consultation and preventive health care guidance for adolescent scoliosis and flat feet to participating team members.

Adolescent scoliosis, also known as scoliosis, is a common spinal deformity that usually occurs during adolescence. Scoliosis may cause abnormal body posture and cause imbalance, thereby affecting movement and physical development. Adolescents with scoliosis should be particularly careful when engaging in sports to avoid exacerbating spinal asymmetry, and they need regular rehabilitation exercises and monitoring to prevent symptoms from worsening.

Flat feet is a foot deformity characterized by a reduced or complete absence of the arch of the foot. Flat feet in teenagers may cause foot pain and fatigue, which may affect walking and standing for long periods of time, and may also have a certain impact on participation in sports activities. For teenagers with flat feet, choosing appropriate shoes and foot support, and performing appropriate plantar muscle training can help reduce symptoms and improve foot function.

To sum up, the existence of scoliosis and flat feet in adolescents will indeed have a certain impact on sports and health. Therefore, parents and teenagers themselves should be aware of and seek medical treatment in time. At the same time, they should pay attention to the body’s discomfort reactions when doing sports to avoid aggravating symptoms and maintain good health. At the same time, regular physical examination and rehabilitation training are also important means to prevent and treat these problems.

The successful hosting of the YGA SuperBig5 Youth Basketball Tournament not only improved the level of Chinese youth basketball, but also injected new vitality into youth basketball. Parkway Medical is honored to provide professional medical support for the YGA SuperBig5 Youth Basketball Tournament, contributing to the healthy development of youth basketball and various events and sports. It is also committed to providing scenario-based sports protection for various events and sports clubs. I believe that in future games, everyone will see more exciting games and better performances. May Chinese basketball flourish and cultivate more outstanding basketball talents!

2024-05-13 07:35:31
#Parkway #Medical #assisted #YGA #SuperBig5 #Youth #Basketball #Tournament #successful #conclusionHospital #CenterDingxiangyuan


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