Ostend does not obtain its license and it is Seraing who benefits: the Metallos remain in D1B

Phew of relief on the side of Seraing. Relegated to Nationale 1 after a nightmarish season, the Metallos will finally play well in D1B next year.

The club from Ostend, plagued by major administrative problems and bankrupt, did not in fact obtain its license from the “C-SAR”. Result, a place becomes available in professional football and it is therefore Seraing who benefits from it au finish.

The RFC Seraing would like to express all its support and sympathy towards all the collaborators and employees of the Ostend club who are currently going through difficult times. explains the Walloon club on its site, adding that “for several months”, everything was put in place “to return a license file in order.”

The efforts behind the scenes therefore paid off, Seraing taking advantage of a clean record and the setbacks of Ostend to remain at the professional level. All that remains is to strengthen ourselves to avoid a third dark season in a row.


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